Fashion Brand

About Project

Build sales generator quickly, for a high-end fashion brand, and reach 5x Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

Live Project
conversion type
This is some text inside of a div block.
Monthly averages


profit Growth
more purchases
return on ad spend

This brand came to us already successful in other areas, so as they moved into digital, the pressure was on to make sure they were not only provided with perfectly organized campaigns and beautiful ads, but to become profitable right out of the gate. As shown in the screenshot above, we were not only able to achieve a high return on ad spend on the retargeting level (warm audiences), but at our top-of-funnel efforts as well - people who had never seen this brand before, were buying at first glance. It took one month for us to test and find the audiences that delivered, but once they did, we were able to maintain our costs, and then scale to increase overall revenue. One challenge we had here, was on the creative side: a high-end brand with a very tight voice and tone needed their creative to be perfectly on-brand and on-message, multiple times over, and everchanging as the seasons and collections replaced themselves. We put together some of our most beautiful efforts, and the results showed.